
Thursday, August 20, 2020

जनम दिन

रिश्ता नहीं बस इस जनम का, कई जन्मों का साँथ है कोई 

जैसे तुम भाये हो दिल को, कहाँ ऐसे भाता है कोई

संग तेरे जहाँ पहुँच गया हूँ, बिरले पहुँच पाता है कोई

आभार, बहुत अनुमोदना सहित, दिल में भर आता है कोई

जान हो, पहचान हो, सम्पूर्ण बस श्रद्धान हो

तत्व, अनुपम तत्व हो, स्वतत्व का ही ध्यान हो

विरल इस पर्याय में, पुरुषार्थ विरल वो प्रकट हो

निकट मेरे ह्रदय तो, अब स्वहृदय के निकट हो

हो जो तुम, बस हूँ वही मैं, दृष्टि का ही विकास हो

शुभकामना इस जनमदिन पर, जन्मातीत प्रकाश हो

Sunday, July 5, 2020

तेरे संग

हँसी तब भी थी, हॅंसी आज भी है
बस तेरे संग हँसते हँसते ख़ुशी का रास्ता मिल गया

चलता तब भी था, चलता आज भी हूँ
बस तेरे संग चलते चलते सहीं रास्ते से वास्ता मिल गया

देखता तब भी था, देखता आज भी हूँ
बस तेरे संग देखते देखते दृष्टि को दृष्टिकोण मिल गया

जीता तब भी था, जीता आज भी हूँ
बस तेरे संग जीते जीते ज़िन्दा है कौन मिल गया

Friday, May 1, 2020


अनित्य जो अनादि से, अनित्य जो अनंत तक
योग वो, वियोग वो, अनित्य राजा रंक तक

अनित्य राग द्वेष भी, अनित्य दम्भ शोक तक
अनित्य मन, अनित्य वच, अनित्य काय योग तक

अनित्य पर, ये नित्य धर, अनित्य जायेगा गुज़र
त्रिकालि ध्रुव ही नित्य बस, त्रिकालि ध्रुव में कर बसर

Saturday, April 18, 2020

सच कहूँ तो

विकल भले ही अंग कोई हो, सकल मगर संवेदना होती
नूर भले न हो आँखों में, नज़र मगर अन्तर में होती

सब कुछ ना पाकर भी, मतलब ज़िन्दगी उनकी कभी ना खोती
सुप्त भले ही अंग कोई हो, आतम शक्ति मगर ना सोती

सकल अंग, संवेदनहीनता, परिपोषित बस जिनको होती
दृश्टिगोचर नहीं भले पर, निश्चय वही विकलाँगता होती

Saturday, August 24, 2019

आधा अधूरा

धड़कनों में फांसला, महसूस हो रहा है
हर सांस का ज्यूँ रास्ता, कुछ दूर हो रहा है
खुली आँखों में जो, पसरा है सन्नाटा
बंद आँखों से बस, दूर हो रहा है

सो गयी है रात, ना ये दिल सो रहा है
बस टिमटिमाते ये तारे, और चाँद खो रहा है
आधे की याद में, अधूरा हो रहा है
बेकरार बस आधा, पूरा हो रहा है

Sunday, June 23, 2019


बरसेंगे बादल जमकर, घटाओं ने समंदर पिया है
भीगेगा किनारा बड़ी दूर तलक, सागर ने सब्र बहुत किया है

सन्नाटा है पसरा हुआ, तूफ़ान छुप छुप कर जिया है
टूट गिरेगा चाँद गगन से, तारा तो बहुत टूटा किया है

चलते हैं कदम, गुज़रता है वक़्त भी, किनारा रास्ते से मन ने किया है
धड़कती हैं आँखें, भीगता है दिल, ख़ामोशियों ने लबों को सिया है

खुली पलकों में नदारद है जो, बंद पलकों से हाँसिल किया है
अँधेरे में आँखों को नज़र मिली है, उजालों ने फ़क़त छला ही किया है

Tuesday, June 4, 2019


Unexpected falls... expectation emerges
Unwanted manifests... want surges

Commitment mounts... consideration endures
Affection starts... love ensues

Loved departs... love survives
Ticker ticks... pain thrives

Touch vanishes... feel remains
Absence in eyes... heart retains

Reality sways... fantasy holds
Character changes... play rolls

Tuesday, May 21, 2019


ना तू ये शरीर है, ना ये शरीर ही तेरा है
मेरे तेरे का ही तो, बस ये सारा फेरा है

पानी कहीं सोता, कहीं नदिया, तो कहीं सागर होता है
शीतलता न कभी कम होती, नमक बस कहीं ज़्यादा तो कहीं कम होता है

भविष्य था कल वो, वर्तमान जो, कल अतीत हो जायेगा
गति न कभी कम होगी, बस अनुकूल कभी प्रतिकूल समय व्यतीत हो जायेगा

कल बचपन में, आज बड़ा जो, कल माटी हो जायेगा
बदला जब जो, स्वरूप था तब वो, स्वरूप बदलता जायेगा

ना बदले जो, सनातन बस वो, तत्व बोध हो जब जायेगा
ज्ञान जो "केवल", गुण बस तेरा, आत्म बोध हो तब जायेगा


Monday, March 25, 2019

बचपन का बढ़प्पन

बचपन का बढ़प्पन बढ़े होकर समझ आया
सरल था जीवन, जब समझ कम थी
समझदार बनकर तो, सब जटिल ही पाया
बचपन का बढ़प्पन बढ़े होकर समझ आया

छोटी छोटी बातों में, बड़ी ख़ुशी खोज लेते थे कभी
अब बड़ी बड़ी बातों में, छोटी सी ख़ुशी को भी लापता पाया
बचपन का बढ़प्पन बढ़े होकर समझ आया

गिरता सम्हलता, छोटे नन्हे पैरों पर चलता, बचपन दिलों के कितने क़रीब था
बढ़े पैरों से चलते चलते, जाने कितनी दूर निकल आया
बचपन का बढ़प्पन बढ़े होकर समझ आया

काफी होता था कट्टी होने के बाद, सिर्फ़ मुँह पर दो उंगलियाँ रखकर दोस्त कहना
अब बातों की गहराई में जाने के मान वश, बमुश्क़िल ही कोई टूटा दिल जुड़ पाया
बचपन का बढ़प्पन बढ़े होकर समझ आया

पल में रूठना, पल में मान जाना, छोटा सा निश्छल, मासूम सा था दिल
बड़ा तो बहुत हुआ अब, पर मासूमियत कहीं बचपन में ही छोड़ आया
बचपन का बढ़प्पन बढ़े होकर समझ आया

मतलब का मतलब मालूम न था जब, बेमतलब जहाँ के मतलब होते थे
मतलब का मतलब मालूम कर करके अब, बेमतलब के चक्रव्यूह में, जीवन फसा पाया
बचपन का बढ़प्पन बढ़े होकर समझ आया

बचपन में अंकित...

Tuesday, February 12, 2019


चाहत, कितनी अजीब होती चाहत
शायद न कोई इतना, जितनी अज़ीज़ होती चाहत

चाहत कभी ज़्यादा की, तो कभी कम की चाहत
चाहत कभी ख़ुशी की, तो कभी ग़म की चाहत

चाहत कभी पाने की, तो कभी खोने की चाहत
कभी खिलखिलाकर हँसने की, तो कभी रोने की चाहत

कभी कुछ होने, कभी कुछ न होने की चाहत
कभी राह गुज़रने, तो कभी जोने की चाहत

होंठों पर हँसी, तो आँखों में नमी की कभी चाहत
आसमां छू लेने, तो ज़मीं की कभी चाहत

चाहत किसी को चाहने, तो नज़रें चुराने की कभी चाहत
चाहत कभी नए, तो कभी बस पुराने की चाहत

बढ़े होने, तो कभी बचपन में रह जाने की चाहत
कभी लड़ पड़ने तो कभी सह जाने की चाहत

कभी बेपर्दा, तो कभी चिलमन में छुप जाने की चाहत 
कभी दिल खोलने तो कभी चुप रह जाने की चाहत

चाहत ही शायद आदि, और अंत भी बस चाहत
चाहतों का चक्रव्यूह तोड़ना भी, तो आख़िर है चाहत

चाहतों में अंकित

Sunday, November 18, 2018


लौ है दीपक में, बाती में जलन है
रौशनी है जग में, सूरज में तपन है

प्यास बुझाती बारिश, बादल का झरता नयन है
आग़ोश में किनारे के लहरें, समंदर में विचलन है

देती है जीवन हवा, जीवन उसका भटकन है
चलते सांथ सुबह के सब, रात संग सूनापन है

अनगिनत सितारे आकाश में, हांसिल चाँद को अकेलापन है
मिलती हँसी होंठों को, किनारा आँख का नम है

लहरों सी होती ख़ुशी, समंदर जैसा ग़म है
लेता साँसें बहुत है दिल, जीता बहुत कम है

पानी पर अंकित

Sunday, May 6, 2018


ज़िन्दगी बस एक पल में थम जाएगी
पात्र कितना ही खूब निभाओ, ना उसपे रहम ये खायेगी

जो लाया था, वही सांथ चल रहा
अच्छा बुरा, ग़म और ख़ुशी में फल रहा
जो लिये जा रहा है, उसका तो कोई भान नहीं
क्या छूटेगा, क्या जायेगा सांथ, जब इसका ही कोई ज्ञान नहीं
ज्ञान अगर है, तो भी ज्ञान विमुख आचार है
ना दिशा कोई, ना क्रिया कोई, ना ही चिंता, ना विचार है
जिस नाट्य का पर्दा उठा कभी, वो पर्दा अवश्य गिरायेगी

नाट्य ये कब से चल रहे, नाट्य ये चलते रहेंगे
पात्र बदलते रहे हैं, पात्र बदलते रहेंगे
पात्र निभाते निभाते, नए नाट्य की पात्रता बुन रहा
चक्र अनादि चल रहा जो, सांथ उसी का चुन रहा
नाट्य की पात्रता से, अपात्र गर बन जाये तो
नाट्य है कुछ और नहीं, ज्ञाता मात्र बन जाये तो
नाट्य लीला अविरत जो थी, आखिरी नाट्य बस आएगा
पात्रता के बंधन से जब, पात्र मुक्त हो जायेगा
गिरा जो पर्दा आखिरी, ना उसे फिर उठा पायेगी
समय के पदचिन्हों में यूँ, कहानी सर्वदा जम जाएगी

नाट्य का पात्र

Thursday, March 22, 2018

आकार, निराकार, एकाकार

समंदर चाहतों का, एक बूँद हो रहा है
शायद से मौसम, अब धुंध खो रहा है

बूँद भी तो, अनगिनत चाहतें समेटे है
धुंध के आगोश में, मन अभी भी बैठे है

बूँद गर ये छोटी, और छोटी हो जाये
धुंध का घनत्व, सहज ही कम हो जाये

बूँद हो इतनी छोटी, कि छोटी न हो पाए
धुंध का अस्तित्व, फिर नगण्य हो जाये

इकलौती चाहत ही बस, बूँद में समाये
उस एक बूँद से, जन्मों की प्यास बुझ जाये

चाहत जिस पल में, वो साकार होगी
बूँद लिए आकार, जब निराकार होगी

धुंध का अस्तित्व, फिर तार तार हो जायेगा
इस पार और उस पार, एकाकार हो जायेगा

इस पार पे अंकित...

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

टहनी का किनारा

गंगा की शीतल धारा ने, एक टहनी को किनारे से मिला दिया
टहनी के उस मिलन ने, किनारे का दिल खिला दिया

लहरों के प्रवाह ने, दोनों को एक संग दिया
चाहत ने दोनों को, एक दूजे में रंग दिया

किनारे का सूनापन, टहनी ने भर लिया
टहनी के क़दमों को, किनारे ने धर लिया

गहराई में इतना, वो टहनी उतर गयी
प्रेम की एक एक जड़, किनारे में घर कर गयी

टहनी की रफ़्तार, एकदम से ही थम गयी
किनारे के आग़ोश में, टहनी यूँ जम गयी

बंजर किनारा था जो, अब उपवन हो चला
टहनी के लिए समर्पित, अब वो मन हो चला

सोचता है क्या होता, जो टहनी उसे न मिलती
अकेले दिल की बंजर ज़मीन, फिर इस तरह न खिलती

किनारे के कण कण में फिर, टहनी का ही वास हो गया
रिश्ता इत्तेफ़ाक से बना, ये दो दिलों का ख़ास हो गया

किनारा कभी चाहत की, गहराई नहीं बोल पाता है
कितने जज़्बात दबे दिल में, नहीं कुछ खोल पाता है

ख़ुश रहता है सोच कर, शायद टहनी जानती होगी
चाहत की गहराई को, वो शायद पहचानती होगी

किनारे पर,

Sunday, January 7, 2018

नगण्य की असीमता

साहिल पर बैठ आज, समंदर को देख फिर ख़्याल आया
समंदर की विशालता में ख़ुद को बड़ा ही नगण्य पाया

जाती है नज़र बड़ी दूर तलक, बस समंदर ही समंदर पाती है
विशालता नापने निकली थी, पर थक हार कर लौट आती है

कितनी असीम ये सृष्टि, और कितना सीमित ये ज्ञान है
सृष्टि के नगण्य भाग की भी, इसे नगण्य ही पहचान है

सुना है ज्ञान के दरवाज़े, अन्तर मन में होते हैं
आँखें कितनी ही बड़ी खोल लो, ज्ञान चक्षु सदा अंदर ही सोते हैं

बाहर क्या देखता है दीवाने, अंदर ही सीढ़ी उतरनी होगी
सोते चक्षुओं को जगाने, दरवाज़े पे दस्तक करनी होगी

शायद फिर ज्ञान का समंदर, ख़ुद में समां जायेगा
असीम सृष्टि में नगण्य है जो, फिर सृष्टि नगण्य और वो असीम हो जायेगा

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

ज़िन्दगी एक नज़र से

कभी बचपन के ताश के घर सी बनती चली जाती है
हर पत्ता घर बनाने की कोशिश, एक पत्ते में ढह जाती है

कभी मेज़ सी भूलभुलैया नज़र आती है
लगा जब राह मिली बाहर की, राह तभी खो जाती है

कभी मृगतृष्णा सी प्यासी नज़र आती है
तलाश एक बूँद की, रेगिस्तान में ठोकरें खाती है

किसी कारवाँ सी चलती चली जाती है
मंज़िल भले कोई भी हो, पीछे छूटती जाती है

कभी नींद के ख्वाब सी नज़र आती है
कितनी ही कोशिश करो पूरा करने की, अचानक से टूट जाती है

कभी किनारे की रेत सी नज़र आती है
अंकित कुछ भी कैसा भी करो, लहर बहा ले जाती है

Friday, March 3, 2017


समन्दर की गर्जना किनारे को देहला देती है
लहरों की भीषणता किनारे को हिला देती है।
पर किनारा कब समन्दर से मुँह मोड़ता है
हर लहर का आवेग अपनी बाँहों में तोड़ता है।
जितना ज़्यादा कोपित हो समन्दर, उतनी ही बाँहें किनारे की फ़ैल जाती हैं।
ज़ख़्मी कितना ही करें लहरें, आख़िर आग़ोश में सिमट जाती हैं।


असीम की विराटता में सूक्ष्म हो जाऊं
गुम हो जाऊं अंतर में यूँ, ख़ुद को पा जाऊं।

पवन की थपकियों से निर्विरोध हो जाऊं
जहाँ मर्ज़ी पवन बहे, बस उड़ता चला जाऊं।

पड़ें जो किरणें सूरज की, न अवरोध बन पाऊँ
दर्प ना किसी बात का, दर्पण हो जाऊं।

भीगूँ बारिश में जो, पिघलता चला जाऊं
जल का जल से संगम ज्यों, जलमग्न हो जाऊं।

ज़मीं से रहूँ जुड़ा सदा, पग दंभ न भर पाऊं
माटी का पुतला ही भले, माटी ना बन पाऊँ।

अग्नि हो प्रचंड कदाचित, उसमे न जल पाऊँ
जितना तपूं, उतना निखरूँ, कुंदन बन जाऊँ।

Thursday, April 21, 2016

एक रात, बस यूँही

स्याह सी रात के हमसफ़र कुछ तारे हैं
जागते जागते इस रात के संग ये भी देखो अब हारे हैं।
कुछ तो काली चादर तानकर आसमान की गोद में दुबक चुके
कुछ करवटें बदल बदल, आँखों को मसल मसल, टिमटिमाने की कोशिश में लगे हुए हैं।

पर रात की इस घड़ी में अच्छे अच्छों की हिम्मत बोल जाती है
कोई कितना भी महारथी हो, ये घड़ी उसकी पोल खोल जाती है।
देखते हैं ये मदहोश से तारे कितनी हिम्मत दिखाते हैं
ज़र्रा ज़र्रा तो सो चुका है, ये बेचारे कब तक जाग पाते हैं।

एक एक करके लो सारे के सारे सो गए
आसमां में चमके थे जो, आसमां में ही खो गए।
हर कण अब, हर क्षण अब, निंद्रा के आलिंगन में है
जाने क्या मगर, इन दो नयनों के मन में है।
छोड़ गए सब सांथ, थे जो हमसफ़र इस रात के
सांथ ना छोड़ते नयन, जाने ये किस ठन में हैं।

ना ही उद्वेलन मन में कोई, ना ही कोई जिज्ञासा है
ना ही प्रयोजन जागने का, ना ही बंधी कोई आशा है।
निष्प्रयोजन निःस्वार्थ जुड़ा ये बंधन मन को भा रहा है
बिना कुछ कहे, बिना कुछ सुने, चलने में मज़ा आ रहा है।

देख रहा हूँ मैं रात की चाल, है उसकी नज़र मुझ पर भी
सोच रही है सब पर हो चुका, हो कुछ तो असर मुझ पर भी।
मदहोश हुए तारों की तरह, मैं भी मदहोश हो जाऊँ
चलूँ बस दो चार कदम, और थक कर फ़िर सो जाऊँ।

सोचता हूँ,
इतनी दूर तलक आ चुका हूँ, क्या अब मैं सांथ छोड़ दूँ
हमसफ़र का स्याह रात से, बना रिश्ता क्या तोड़ दूँ।
पता नहीं फ़िर कब ये आँखें, अपनी ज़िद पर आयेंगी
टिमटिमाते तारों से, जागने की शर्त लगायेंगी।

उम्मीद है कि फ़िर मिलेंगे, अब अलविदा हमसफ़र को कहता हूँ
सुबह भी धीरे धीरे बस चादर उठा रही है, चलो बहुत हुआ, अब अपनी चादर मैं ओढ़ लेता हूँ।

नींद के इंतज़ार में, 

Thursday, January 23, 2014


आहटें अविराम हैं, एहसास रिक्त है
चाहतें अविराम हैं, विश्वास रिक्त है
समंदर की छाती सा उद्वेलित है मन
लहरें अविराम हैं, ठहराव रिक्त है

वक़्त का पैमाना तो आज भी वही है
दिन रात का ठिकाना तो आज भी वही है
हर लम्हे में समाया सदियों का सफ़र है
वक़्त तो वही है, रफ़्तार रिक्त है

रिक्त चाहें, रिक्त राहें, रिक्त मंज़िल, रिक्त बाहें
रिक्त ख़ुश्बू फूल से है, रिक्त सपनों से निगाहें

एहसास रिक्त, विश्वास रिक्त, कुछ धड़कनों से श्वाँस रिक्त
हँस रहे हैं होंठ, है आँखों से मुस्कान रिक्त

रिक्तता के वशीकरण से शब्द भी अब रिक्त हैं
अरिक्त बस रिक्तता हरसूँ , शेष सब ही रिक्त है

रिक्त मन में,

Sunday, September 8, 2013


सपना एक निगाहों से ऐसा टकराया
निगाहों के रास्ते सीधा दिल में उतर आया
सपने में फिर ऐसा खोने लगा ये दिल
सपने में सपने संजोने लगा ये दिल
किनारे कर दिया हक़ीकत की हर बात को
हक़ीकत दिल मान बैठा सपने के उस सांथ को
आँख खुली कई बार सपना अधूरा हर बार पाया
पर बावरा मन सपना पूरा करने, फिर सोने की ज़िद पकड़ आया
जागते सोते सपने का संसार युहीं बनाता रहा
हर कोशिश के सांथ दिल सपने के और करीब जाता रहा
कोशिश यही थी कि सपना ये ना टूटने पाए
हक़ीकत के पन्नों पर अंकित हमेशा के लिए हो जाए
हक़ीकत ने आख़िरकार सोते हुए मन को झकझोर दिया
खुली आँखें ऎसी कि ना सो पायीं फिर, सपना जो अपना था हक़ीकत ने तोड़ दिया
टीस रह गयी दिल में सपने को पूरा ना कर पाने की
चाहत के इतना करीब आके फिर दूर हो जाने की
नहीं मिला वो सपना तो सोने की अब ख़्वाहिश ना रही
किसी दूसरे सपने की निगाहों में कोई गुंजाइश ना रही

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


कभी ख़ुशी कुछ पाने की, खोने के कभी कुछ ग़म हैं
धूप सा खिला कभी चेहरा, कभी आँखें बारिश सी नम हैं
कभी उबाल यादों का मन मे, धडकनें कभी दिल की थम हैं
कभी वक़्त बहता दरिया सा, पैर वक़्त के कभी जम हैं
पूरे होते कभी कुछ सपने, हकीकत भी ख़्वाब कभी बन जाती है
ज़िन्दगी चलती है बस युहीं चलती जाती है
नयी आशाओं, नये सपनों का फिर होना आगाज़ है
उमंगें हैं दिलों मे, स्वागत कर रहा हर दिल नये साल का आज है
ख़ुशी के सारे रंग सभी के करीब हों
आशा ये अंकित है, सभी को अपनी चाहतें नसीब हों

नव वर्ष की हार्दिक शुभकामनायें..

Monday, May 21, 2012

Off 4000m Up in The Sky

Sky Diving; I had seen it only on television, but thought of doing it was still strange to me until I reached Tokyo. I happened to watch video of one of my colleagues. That got me thrilled and stimulated to experience it. Although I love adventure, but Sky Diving, seemed too scary to do. I started querying about it and compiled all the information. I wanted someone to join; going alone for this adventure was something my heart was not allowing me for. Time kept flying and I could not dare taking the step alone. Finally I found myself back in India complaining to myself “yaar you should have gone for it”.

Then I got chance to visit Berlin for few weeks. I inquired about Sky Diving there but to no help. I relied on Google and after trying hard I could locate one of the facilities nearby. It was in Gransee, 55Km northwest off Berlin. I thought I may not get another chance; it’s now or never, and decided to go for it. I communicated to one of my colleagues that if you don’t hear from me by Monday afternoon then you must call for searchJ. Friday night, I prepared some poories stuffed with spice, for I was sure I am not going to get anything to eat in Gransee.

21st August, Saturday morning, Berlin Hauptbahnhof station, I am waiting for train, watching people around, still wondering that I was going to do it. There are quite a few people here. Besides me there is a teen age guy holding on to something, that thing looks like surfing board, never seen it before. Here comes the train, ye kya, ye to shuroo hone ke pehle hi khatm ho gayee, only 3-4 coaches. Deep breath, Ankit Let’s go, God bless you.

Here I am, on the way to Gransee, all alone, having excitement and fear in my heart. Strange place, strange people, strange adventure, everything seems strange. My mind is struggling for peace because of the strange thoughts its being bombarded with. Can I really do it, am I over confident, What if something goes wrong there, what if nobody gets informed if anything happens to me, what if this, what if that. You have not told anyone at home about this. May be you should have, but I don’t think they would have allowed you to go for such a crazy thing. And if they had denied you would certainly not have got courage to do it after that. Anyways just five more minutes and you will be in Gransee.

My Goodness, what is this place, for the sake of station I just can see two platforms running parallel to each other, no shade, no human, nothing at all. I am feeling at some remote village having no habitation. Well, you have to wait for the cab here itself, no matter how the place is. What are you going to do by then? What to do, what to do, ok, you got a book so let’s read it. It will take at least an hour before cab reaches here. You have arrived too early, so enjoy the time.

OK, it’s time now. You should check for the cab. Let’s go outside and wait. I don’t know if you should stand here or that side. Mike had told me to go on the road in the direction the train goes, which direction you came from? I guess you came from that direction then possibly you are standing at right place.
That’s Go Air cab coming. Wow, what a funky look they have given to this cab. Window down, Are you Ankit? Yes J, yaa common in, thanks.

If I remember correctly, facility should be nearby, somewhere on the left. Wow, its beautiful place, greenery on both sides of the road. I think this guy will take left from here. Yap, I told you. All right so finally you have reached to the diving site. There are so many people here, lot of crazy people I guessJ. Let’s find out the reception. There it is. Hey, hi, I am Ankit, I talked to Mike on mail regarding tandem jump. Ya that’s me, nice to meet you Ankit, nice to meet you too J. Please fill up this form, I will be right back.

What is this form? May be they just need my details. Nope, there is some declaration here. All right I get it now, its declaration that these guys implement all the safety measures still if anything goes wrong, they cannot be held liable. You are on your own risk. Hey Mike, I am done. All right then, you can relax and hang around, I should call your name on your turn. OKies, thanks J

Sky Diving Site

Let’s see what others are doing. Seems people come here for picnic. That guy is lying on the grass, that half naked man seems taking sunbath lying on his back, and look at that aunty, she is playing with little cute girl. What’s the time? I am feeling hungry now. Let’s eat something, it’s already afternoon.

Standby Plane

What is that roaring sound now? OK, so that is the plane for sky diving. Seems only eight or ten people can be accommodated in that. It’s taking off. Where has it gone? OK, it’s up there, looking so tiny. How can one jump from that height? Let’s watch.

Spots taking shapes now

I can see some black dots in the sky now. Hey, they are not black anymore, that’s blue, that’s yellow, that’s red, and there appears few more. They are coming close. I can see arches over those dots now. Coming down, coming down, wow what a move, that guy should land somewhere around that bush, nope, he is changing his route. Now, now, now, and bang. Wow, it must be amazing feeling. If they can do it, so can I.


Mr. Ankit Jalori. Let’s go, they are calling your name. Hey, are you Ankit? Yes, great, I am your tandem jumper. There are the costumes, get ready, OK. Ooops, how to wear this? This is so big. Well, not bad, you look like an astronaut J Hey Ankit, come here we are briefing. OK, so while jumping off the plane keep your body in banana shape. When I pat you, hold on to the belts on your chest and then I will open the parachute. We will jump from the altitude of 4000m, there will be free fall for about 50sec with approx speed of 200km/h which will cover more than half of the distance and then parachute will be opened and you can enjoy hovering around. While landing make sure you lift your legs and land on your hips. Are you scared? Ya, a little bit. Want to say something to your family? Nothing, just that I am going to experience how to flyJ. All right then, lets fly.

First one off the plane
Free Fall

We are at 2000m up in the air. It’s beautiful landscape through the window. Now, we are flying at 4000m.
God bless you Ankit. First one off the plane, second one, here goes third one. Deep breath, it’s your turn now, moving closer to door, deep breath, deep breath, do not look down, deep breath, deep breath, banana…, off the plane. My God …blank …blank …blank …blank …blank …blank…

Parachute opened... My God, I have done it, yes, I have done it, awesome, wow. The free fall was amazing. I am flying, I am flying. Closing to the ground, legs up, now, now, now, and bang. It was really amazing experience. You finally did it. Let’s wrap up here and get back to Berlin.

I am on my way back to Berlin, ecstatic, content and confident as if I have won some battle, well, it was nothing less than that for me. Finally my mind is at peace.

Everyone fears but there comes time when one dares challenging his fear. I challenged mine.

I did it (Here is video). Do you want to do it?

Then, Go-Jump J

Saturday, April 7, 2012

काम वाली बाई

ज्यादातर घरों में होती है
कहीं सफाई, कहीं बर्तन, तो कहीं कपड़े धोती है...काम वाली बाई..
आये कभी भी पर जाने की हड़बड़ी में होती है
किसी दुखियारे को क्षणिक ख़ुशी जैसी होती है...काम वाली बाई..
सिर पर खड़े होकर काम कराओ
पैसे देकर पाली हुयी Tension होती है...काम वाली बाई..
नखरे ऐसे, जैसे हमने इनको नहीं इन्होंने हमें काम पर रखा हो
किसी बॉस की तरह ही Arrogant होती है...काम वाली बाई..
सुबह सुबह जब चैन से सोना चाहो, तभी दरवाज़े पर दस्तक देती है
बड़ी ही Irritating टाइप की Door Bell होती है...काम वाली बाई..
कभी जो समय पर जाग गए, तो लगता है अब आये अब आये
हर पल में घंटों का इंतज़ार होती है...काम वाली बाई..
कितनी ही परेशानी हो पर काम से निकालना विकल्प नहीं
जब ढूंढने निकलो, तभी बड़ी Rare होती है...काम वाली बाई..
घर में जब सबसे ज़्यादा ज़रुरत हो काम करने वाले की
बिना बताये ही Leave पर होती है...काम वाली बाई..
ज़रुरत में जो गल्ती से काम करने आ जाये
बा ख़ुदा, मेरी नज़र में महान होती है...काम वाली बाई..
गुस्से में जो काम छोड़ जाए, मनाने में फिर पसीना आये
किसी रांझे से रूठी नखरैल हीर होती है...काम वाली बाई..
मेरी ना मानो, ख़ुद Experience कर जानो
नब्बे में से सौ Percent ऎसी ही होती है...काम वाली बाई..

Through The Eyes Of,

Sunday, October 9, 2011


वक़्त बे-वक़्त ज़ेहन में 
ख्यालों का सैलाब आता है..
कभी हँसाता है कभी रुलाता है 
वक़्त हर वक़्त.. वक़्त का एक नया रूप दिखलाता है..

वक़्त गर चाहे तो अनसोचे अनचाहे ही 
अचानक प्रिय से कोई मिल जाता है..
और कभी कोई कितना भी जतन करे
वक़्त की चाह के आगे मन मसोस कर रह जाता है..

वक़्त का अनदेखा पहिया
अनंतर घूमता जाता है..
वक़्त ही पतझड़ के बाद सावन
और सावन के बाद बहार लाता है..

वक़्त भी कभी कभी
भरपूर प्यार लुटाता है..
ज़ख्म दिल का कितना ही गहरा हो
सुना है..वक़्त के मरहम से भरता चला जाता है..

वक़्त साँथ उसी का देता है 
जो वक़्त का साँथ निभाता है..
वक़्त का इंतज़ार करते करते वरना
वक़्त हाँथ से निकल जाता है..

न सोच तेरी रातों में कितने अँधेरे हैं 
न सोच तुझे हाँसिल सारे ही सवेरे हैं..
गम के बाद ख़ुशी और फिर गम का फरमान आता है
वक़्त कैसा भी हो..वक़्त आने पर बदल ही जाता है..

वक़्त की रेत पर..

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Tight Corner

11th march 2011, It was yet another afternoon in Tokyo. I had lunch with my gang and after some gossip came back to desk. When I was just about to get started with work I felt earthquake. I looked up and exchanged smiles with colleagues as it was nothing unusual to feel tremors in Japan. Geologists say that Japan is located on the “Ring of Fire” therefore volcanic activities and quakes are very much normal there. I did experience it first time when I was welcomed with one on very day of my arrival to Tokyo. So like always we ignored this one too. But when it went on for a while I checked watch and realized that it had been almost half a minute since building was wobbling. Then I jokingly asked do we need to take it seriously? It started getting stronger then I shouted to catch corners of the building but instead I saw everyone rushing downstairs. That moment I realized how difficult it is to feel confident in one’s own rationale in such situations. So I too followed and started rushing to ground floor. Our office was located at 17th floor of the building and it was becoming harder and harder to put steps forward as tremor was getting intense with time. Whole building was shaking so much as if it was frightened of something fatal. We were at around 6th floor when tremor seemed at its crest. Building seemed giving up and surface started showing cracks. Fear of building collapse was looming in my mind and heart was pounding tremendously. The very thought of losing life surged into my veins because if building had happened to fall then there would be no chance of survival. This feeling was something I never felt before. I am not ashamed of saying that “fat gayee thi.. literally”. It took few minutes (around 3 and half) before we reached ground floor. Panic could be felt out of everyone. It was astonishing moment for us to watch 25 storey building swinging. There were mixed feelings of fear and joy.

We all were trying to reach out to our families on phone but network was so jammed that hardly anyone had chance to succeed. Quake could still be felt, as per the reports quake and back to back aftershocks lasted for around 54 minutes with varying intensity. Having gone through all this we felt like we should grab cup of tea so we headed towards Shinagawa station which was around 20 minutes walk from office. After reaching Shinagawa we learnt that gas supply was blocked. We came back to office to collect our belongings. All this while we were hearing that tsunami might strike and soon it all started. Lots of videos showing devastation being done by tsunami were on air. We wanted to go back home early but were advised not to go out for the fear of tsunami hitting Tokyo was there and our office building seemed to be safest place at that time. We waited for couple of hours for tsunami warning to be lifted and then decided to walk down the distance (around 4-5 hrs) to our homes because trains were stopped and traffic seemed not moving at all so taking taxi was futile. We walked for around more than an hour to reach Diamon station and fortunately found trains running from there.

That night was horrible. After every 10-20 minutes earth was shaking. I struggled hard to sleep. These low intensity earthquakes which I used to ignore were now scaring me. There were hundreds of aftershocks and many foreshocks measured.

Our families in India were restless. Media was showing brutality of the nature but probably did not convey that Tokyo was still far safe than the places where tsunami had hit badly. I believe it must have been much harder time for our families than what we were going through, because we knew that we were still safe but there was no way we could have convinced them about it.

Next morning news on air was one of the nuclear plants blasted. Things were striking Japan back to back; first earthquake then tsunami, now this nuclear tragedy. One after another nuclear plants got out of control. Radiations were yet to reach Tokyo. We were hoping for condition to come under control but it was going other way round. Finally on Tuesday we came to know that radiation level had started building up in Tokyo too. There was nothing we could do but taking precaution until we fly back. At around 11 pm we got tickets for Wednesday morning. It was difficult to wrap up on such short notice. But we managed to do it by early morning. Finally we reached Narita airport. Only after boarding plane we could take a sigh of relief. We were waiting for flight to take off and suddenly to our surprise plane started shaking. It was yet another tremor probably wanted to wave us off before leaving :)

At IGI airport Delhi we were inundated with reporters looking for some spicy news. But we probably disappointed them. Reality was that Tokyo still was not affected the way media wanted us to show.

When I reached home probably that would have been the happiest moment for my family after this difficult period of mental agony.

Well this was all what we had been through. And if we are safe today then this is only because of the technology which Japan is at par in than any country in the world and due to the commitment and sense of responsibility they have towards dealing with everything.

Natural disasters can never lead to anything good. May there be no such incidents. I had been in Japan for almost a year and whatever I learnt being among them compels me to think do they really deserve anything like this? And answer is a big NO. They are too good to be treated like this and probably this is the blunder done by nature. You might wanna question why do I feel so, the only answer I can give is it is hard to find people and country like them in today’s world. And only the person lived among them can realize it. I fortunately am the one and am deep in love with them.

Japan..Loving Tokyo :)

Monday, December 6, 2010


आज फिर दिल उदास है
कुछ लम्हों की इसे फिर तलाश है..
बैचैन है दिल आज फिर अकेलेपन से
गहराई में दिल की..किसी दर्द का फिर अहसास है..
आज फिर दिल..

नहीं कह पाऊंगा होंठों से कभी शायद
शुक्र है कोई तो ज़रिया मेरे पास है..
कहता है दिल रो लेने दे मुझको आज
आँसू ही बुझा पाएँगे ऐसी ये प्यास है..
आज फिर दिल..

लगता था डर जब कभी
दौड़ कर चला जाता था..
छुप जाता था साए में जिसके
उस आँचल की आज फिर आस है..
आज फिर दिल..

क्या ज़रूरी है बड़ा होना
अपने पैरों पर खड़ा होना..
थाम लेते थे लडखडाने पर जो
हाँथों पर उन्ही मुझे विश्वास है..
आज फिर दिल..

काश चला पता पहिया ये वक़्त का मैं
काश फिर जा पता वापस उस वक़्त में..
रोक लेता..न बड़ने देता
जी लेता फिर वही..बचपन..जिसकी फिर तलाश है..
आज फिर दिल..

तलाश में..

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Mission Mt. Fuji (The Volcano..sleeping though J)

I heard about Mt. Fuji only a few days before my itinerary to Japan. My colleague in Japan mailed “we will soon be mountaineering the highest terrain of Japan; Mt. Fuji”. Once I reached Japan, Mt. Fuji started finding place in our day to day talks. We all were in for it, but when to go?

One of my colleagues who had been in Japan for about a year did all the background work and put the plan before us. We zeroed down on July 17th. We had to do some preparation (woolen, rain coat, torch, gloves, food blah blah) before facing this gigantic phenomenon. We were expecting weather’s cooperation because we were threatened about the wildness of the Giant and if weather did decide going not in our favor it was going to be a nightmare for us.

I was very much excited for two reasons; first Mt. Fuji has got enormous height which simply challenges the adrenaline of trekker and second it was going to be whole night climbing (never done it before, completely new experience). I have never been trekking freak but above two thoughts started stimulating the trekker deep within me.

Finally it was 17th. I was most bothered about the food I needed to carry with me as it was going to be a whole night and a whole day with the mountain and we get nothing there. I am vegetarian and I hardly get anything outside which could fit into my criteria so I thought of relying mostly on fruits and biscuits. I bought some bananas, apples, biscuits etc. Then I prepared some poories too J. Problem was we needed to carry as much as possible, still keeping it as minimum as possible because lesser the weight easier it is to climb.

We were a group of five; four of us from PacketVideo and one American friend. We all gathered at Shinjuku station and boarded train for Otsuki. We had to pay penalty to TC for boarding in wrong coach. We changed train at Otsuki for Kawaguchiko Station. We decided taking Yoshida trail for being safer side because this was the recommended trail and most of the crowd follow the same. Buses were plying between Kawaguchiko station and Yoshida trail. We bought to fro tickets, had some light food and boarded bus. As much as we were getting close to the trail, the scenic beauty was getting more beautiful.

Some of us bought sticks to help climbing. The mercury had already gone down at the trail itself, so we thought of gearing ourselves up with the woolens etc. We lit our torches and started from the Yoshida trail Base Station 5.

After walking for a while we suspected whether we are moving in right direction or not because the route was going downward. We confirmed that we were on right track but still wondering how we can reach to summit while going down J. Then we reached to the ascending point and realized “kabhi kabhi level badhane ke liye level girakar hi start karna padta hai J”.

We reached to Base Station 6 quite easily and thought if Base Stations are so close to each other then it’s not going to be big deal to reach to Base Station 9; the summit. But we were taken aback while catching to Base Station 7 and realized that the Base Stations had been created with the distance increasing enormously from one to another as the altitude increased. I think it’s just to bluff trekker’s morale so that it should not feel down at the very beginning J.

At Base Station 7 (or 7.5, can’t recollect) I was at the verge of losing all my confidence due to acute pain I was experiencing. I thought I might not be able to reach to summit and have to go back from this point itself. I thought of taking rest there. After sometime my fellow companions also reached there. Hum sabki lagi padi thi but still nobody wanted to back off. So we rested there for around an hour and again started. Only thought dominating our minds was “we have to make it to summit, no matter how long it takes”.

We reached Base Station 8 at around 4am and decided to wait till dawn (4:30). Watching the rising sun from the very altitude was awesome experience. Everyone was waiting, equipped with the cameras to capture the moment. Suddenly the very first ray of light was spotted in the east and everyone went excited. Sun started creeping out slowly on the zenith from some virtual ocean, embracing everything around in its myriads of arms. Reflections on the foggy clouds and blue water bodies in between were really spectacular from this very height.

It was incredible for me; I had never imagined that someday I would be in “Country of rising sun”, standing tall on the highest terrain and watching rising sun. Ocean of milky white foggy clouds was all around and heads of terrains were peeping out of them resembling islands. I have no idea about heaven, but I believe this landscape would stand no below par.

After quenching the thirst of eyes we started again. We reached to Base Station 8.5. When we looked ahead, we saw a zigzag queue of people reaching to the summit (apparently J) and convinced ourselves that few more minutes and we will be on top. But to our surprise we kept on seeing same zigzag queue reaching to top, even after finishing many such zigzags. People were moving very slowly due to the danger of land slide which became pathetic for me. After an hour or so I finally saw the welcome gate and the very thought of making it to the pinnacle revitalized me. I rushed and reached to the summit at 7:30am. After waiting for about an hour I saw my fellow trekkers making it to the point.

We all were very much enervated and were desperate to rest. You can imagine the desperateness by the fact that it was all sunny day and we were lying on the rocks feeling no discomfort. After sometime we found a shelter to rest at. Though I was very much tired, I was not feeling asleep so I went to see the crater of the volcano with one of my fellows.

The crater as expected was a giant hole with very wide peripheral and with the depth of around 200m. Half of the surface was covered with snow white silt complementing the landscape. We took chance to have a good nap on top of the crater J; sounds crazy?

There was so called a temple, but we could not figure out what exactly there was inside that. We bought some souvenirs and then headed back. Route for going down was different than the one we came from. It was continuous zigzag of sloppy path. We were descending with slow pace. I felt that it was very difficult and tiring that way due to the gravitational force. So I decided increasing my pace because I was feeling very uncomfortable descending with slow pace. I started almost running all the way, stopping at some places in between. Finally I made it back to the Base Station 5 at around 5pm. I waited for around an hour for my friends and then we started our journey back to Tokyo. The mission Mt. Fuji was accomplished J.

It was once in a lifetime experience for me and I have got a lot from this journey to cherish.

Friday, June 4, 2010

My Tryst with My Dream

The Dream Taking Shape...

I had deep deep longing for going abroad at least once in my life. I got the opportunity with Aricent.

I was an abecedarian when I got on board with Aricent (Formerly FSS); my first step into professional sphere. It was the time when I just started feeling confident about my role and responsibility. I heard about IMTC (International Mobile Telecommunications Consortium) from my dearest then Tech Lead..Sharmad. IMTC organizes some events every year where in member companies send their representatives to participate. I felt strong influence towards it. Fortunately things turned up for me and I got opportunity to travel Tel Aviv, Israel to participate in IMTC IOT (Inter Operability Testing) Event.

Kick Off…

My long long longing... was about to come alive..

I was both panicky and ecstatic about the voyage. Worried, because I was all alone; elated, because my dream was coming true.

So finally the day arrived when I was supposed to travel. It was not direct flight. My Itinerary was created from Bangalore to Mumbai and from there to Israel.

Approval for the trip came at the eleventh hour; therefore I could not manage to get Visa in my hands until I reached Mumbai Airport. Even leaving from Bangalore was not so smooth for me. I had to carry some devices, and authority letter for same had not come to me till 2:30 pm and my flight was about to depart at 3:15 pm. I was at the verge of missing it. When I reached HAL airport, my name was already being announced, as only 15 min were left for departure. I was rushed to the flight by Jet Airways staff. This is how my voyage to Tel-Aviv, Israel got kicked off.

Mumbai Airport…

I was waiting outside terminal 5 for Visa. After some time one guy turned up and handed over my Visa. Now I was confident that yes, I am going to make it to Israel and things will move smoothly from here on. But it was just the beginning of woes as against my expectations.

When I went in, I saw people in queue for interview. It was taking hardly 2-3 min for individual to get through it. Then came my turn. I was interviewed by a young lady, ok sort, carrying weight though J

She seemed willing not to let me go easily. She turned suspicious about my purpose of travelling. She suspected that I am going to work there; I was traveling on business visa though. She disappeared for a while and when she turned up again, a representative from Israel was with her. Now it was him who started scrutinizing me.

Finally they took me under security check. They shuffled all my belongings and did much more which I never expected. Once all of this got over, I was again rushed towards the flight as if it was waiting solely for me. It had taken around 2 hours since the time I got face to face with the lady.

I was inside plane now. Strange, alien faces were all around. Very few of us were from our ethnicity. It was first time for me that I was facing people from different ethnicity so closely. Some movie was being played but I felt no interest in that. I was busy in watching a group of people who were out of the crowd by the way they were carrying themselves. They reminded me of the people I watched in song “Dum maro Dum”, hippies I guess we call them. They were all couples. One of the guys approached me and asked if I would mind exchanging the seat. I immediately nodded in consent. I was wondering why that guy really wanted my seat. Later I realized that remaining seats adjacent to mine were all empty and the couple wanted to make themselves comfortably sleeping arms in arms there. I was happy to see that I had made someone’s flight quiet pleasant, unknowingly though J

Tel Aviv…

I landed in Tel Aviv, Israel at around 2’o clock in the night. Airport was incredible. It stimulated me as if I had entered in to some fantasy world. I reached to collect my luggage. To my surprise I found my luggage without laptop and other electronics I was carrying. My heart started pounding as I had no idea where the remaining stuff was. Then I went to the help desk and the lady helped me find my stuff. I thanked a ton to her.

It was late night by then. I had only the address of the hotel, where I was supposed to have room booked. I was looking for some prepaid taxi as nobody was there to receive me from airport. I got the currency converted first. I found one guy staring at me alongside the counter. He asked me if I was looking for any conveyance. I told him the address and he told me the rent. I had no choice but to rely on him as I had got no acquaintance there. I prayed to God and boarded the taxi. Some strange fear was there in my heart for it was too late in night and I was all alone and that guy could have taken me anywhere he wished. But as he started conversation my fear started diminishing slowly. He told that he had visited India sometimes back and he liked it very much. We kept on talking all the way till I reached the hotel. I paid him 150 shekel and thanked for dropping me safely.

I entered the hotel and asked the receptionist for the room which was booked for me. I was taken aback when he told that there was no room booked for me. I was stunned for a moment. My mind started running short of positive thoughts. Then I thought of checking my mail in hope of having received any information about my lodging. It proved futile as everything was in Hebrew and I was not able to log into my account.

Then I tried calling concierge lady who had booked itinerary for me. She had no access to internet at that point and was unable to help me out. She suggested me if I can contact my manager as he would have got copy of the mail in his inbox. It was around 3 am there, that means around 5:30 am as per Indian time. Calling manager at this time and the chances that he would pick the call were some worries hovering in my mind. Nevertheless I called him and fortunately he picked my call. I apologized for bothering him at the time when everyone likes to enjoy the bed most; the early morning. I explained the situation to him and he asked me to call again after 10 min. When I called him again, he gave me address of another hotel. I thanked him a ton and hung up. Fortunately that hotel was near about the venue I was standing at. I got the direction and left on foot towards the hotel.

I kept on ringing bell for about 15min and then only a guy turned up and let me in. I asked him for the booking and he also told that he is not aware about any booking made for me. This time I was at the verge of screaming. I told him that avail me one room and we will settle things in the morning. I was in no mood to continue bothering about that stuff at that point; it was already too much for me in a go. It was all much unexpected happened to me. I don’t know how I got courage to cope with it. May be because my inner self knew that it was only me who could help.

When I entered the room, all my worries disappeared in a jiffy. Room was pretty good and the best part was I could see the sea shore from my window and it was only few meters from my hotel. The very word coming out of my mouth was a real big Wowwwwww…

It was morning by then and I had to get ready for office, so I gave up the idea of taking rest. I got ready and came down to reception. The guy told me that everything was fine and he had received my booking details. I had a deep soothing breath. He directed me towards banquet hall for breakfast. I had some bread, salad and fruit. I enquired about the office and came to know that it’s very near, so I decided to walk down the distance.

After walking for around 10 min I found the venue. I reached the reception and found a beautiful, very tall lady sitting there. She was American (I could make out from the accent). She welcomed me and did some formalities and handed me over my ID card for the event. Event was for 5 days and I was already late by a day, but fortunately I did not miss anything because of some setup issue not getting resolved on very inaugural day.

This office was also at the sea shore. I could see the boats lying at the shore from my seat itself. I met people from different geography there. They were Indian, American, Chinese, and Korean majorly. In my life first time I interacted with them. I was very much excited.

Food was the major issue for me. I used to eat bread only if seemed eggless, salad and fruit if available. After two days I came to know about one Indian food outlet. It was more than three km from my hotel. I used to walk down the distance with colleagues. While coming back to my hotel I used to roam at the sea shore alone.


It was Friday morning, the culmination of the event. After finishing off remaining stuff we all convened to have group photo session. Trip to Jerusalem was organized for all the participants in the afternoon. We started for Jerusalem right after lunch. It was around 2 hrs journey. Journey was quite exciting; it was my first experience where only yellow shade was there all around, as far as my vision could go. We reached Jerusalem and went straight to see “Dome of Rock”, one of the oldest Islamic buildings in the world as per their belief. It has “Foundation Stone” inside which has one hole and world is believed to have been created from that. Jewish sources identify this rock as the place where Abraham fulfilled God’s test to see if he is willing to sacrifice his son Isaac. We visited “Western Wall” which is believed never to be demolished. Jewish pray against this wall which is also known as “Wailing Wall”. We visited the very place where Jesus was crucified and buried, “The Church of Resurrection”. Inside there is one stone, “Stone of Anointing” where body of Jesus was prepared for burial. Inside the church it was quite dark and some prayer was going on. It was very strange and scary feeling for me. I don’t know why. I immediately came out in open air. The place was reminding me of “Harry Potter movie”. The habitation and the structure of the houses resembled the same as that in movie. I saw most of the people around wearing top to bottom black attire, a black cap and having long brown beard. We passed through market place situated in very narrow spaces between the houses. We started back from Jerusalem at around 7pm.

I was supposed to leave for India on Saturday, but due to unavailability of tickets my stay got extended by a day. I was thinking how to spend that whole day. I thought of booking some package tour for one day. I zeroed in on trip to Dead Sea via Masada. It cost me $100. So next morning I reached the venue where I was supposed to be picked from. Here goes my trip…


We headed towards Masada; ancient place fortified and used by Jewish Emperor Herod as a refuse for himself in the event of revolt. It is on the top of an isolated rock plateau at the eastern edge of Judean Desert near to Dead Sea. After the first Jewish-Romans war when roman troops were closing by, Jewish Emperor preferred death to surrender and committed mass suicide.

Our group was led by a lady who was our guide too. There was a cable car carrying people on top of the terrain. The car had doors at both ends, one for people who board and another for people who de-board it. We all boarded the car in a go and slowly started moving up. When we reached on the top, we were headed towards a narrow path way. There was steep valley alongside and for safety purpose some fencing had been created with bamboos. We were taken to all the parts of the remains of fortification. All this while I was very much excited. Not much because I did love all this, but more so because my eyes had met with someoneJ. She was part of our group. I tried very hard to accumulate courage to talk to her, but L could not. Finally we came down and started for Dead Sea.

Dead Sea…

After Masada we continue to go down and down and down. Dead Sea is the lowest place on earth. It is about 400m below sea level. The water of the sea is enormously salty. One can see rocks made up of salt all around the sea shore. It looks milky white. Due to high density of salt (more than 33%) water of Dead Sea has no life in it, therefore called Dead Sea. And the best part of the story is one never drown into Dead Sea. It sounds incredible, but it is true. High density of salt and other minerals does not allow drowning.

We reached Dead Sea and were given three hours before we head back to Tel Aviv. We were asked to buy some footwear as it is dangerous to be bare foot into the sea, because there are sharp edged rocks of salt in and around sea. I first entered into the pool to have sulpher bath. I had no idea about it but as people were doing I followedJ. Then I came out and saw people playing with mud. They were actually putting the mud of Dead Sea on to their bodies thoughJ. I followed the trend. I came to know that the mud of Dead Sea is believed to have healing qualities and is used as cosmetic. Then I cleared the mud and boarded the vehicle which was taking people to the sea. I do not know swimming but I wanted to experience the truth about the Dead Sea. So I jumped into it and to my surprise I was floating on the water. It was very hard for me to stand up again as some force was prohibiting me from getting my foot on the ground. I enjoyed this new experience for quite some time and then finally took leave off the sea. I took bath and was again was surprised to see that (although I should not mention it here but I can’t keep it to myself onlyJ) everyone was taking bath in natural state (trying to use mild expressionJ). Well, I got ready and thought of eating something. I had not had anything significant since morning. But I could not find anything which I could eat. Finally I had a glass of juice and boarded the bus.

Back to India…

Coming back to India was very much smooth as against going Israel. I checked out the hotel and asked receptionist to arrange for a taxi to airport. I reached airport and quite easily got through all the formalities and security check up etc. Now I was in flight to Mumbai. I landed on Mumbai at around 7am, had one samosa and one aaloo bonda as I was very much hungry. I think I was the happiest guy in the world at the moment I touched my country again. My connecting flight was there at around 10am. All this while I kept on calling, to my brother first and then friends on and on and on…

Finally I reached Bangalore. It was an experience I can never forget in my lifetime. The very thought of this trip fills my heart with same thrill again as I experienced there. I don’t know how rational I was in taking decisions while coping with unexpected. But It makes me feel great that somehow I managed to tackle it.

Thursday, March 11, 2010


रहकर भी महफ़िल में कोई..तनहा..क्यों होता है..अक्सर
दिल के जितना है करीब कोई..उतना ही दूर..क्यों होता है..अक्सर..
नहीं होता साया भी जिनका..रूबरू..इन निगाहों से
है वो आस पास यहीं..एहसास..क्यों होता है..अक्सर..

तनहा इस दिल के लिए वो..दोस्त कहीं से लाता है
दोस्तों की दोस्ती में..हर गम..दिल भूल जाता है..
हमदम..हमकदम..बन जाते हैं जब दोस्त वही
कर देता है दूर उनसे..गुनाह उससे..क्यों होता है..अक्सर..

सोचा नहीं था रिश्ते कुछ.. इतने अज़ीज़ हो जायेंगे
दूर होकर वो हमें..इस कदर याद आयेंगे..
भूल न जाएँ वो हमें..रिश्तों की भीड़ भाड़ में
खोने का उनको..ये डर..क्यों होता है..अक्सर..

उनके ज़ेहन में भी कभी..कुछ बात उठती होगी..
यादों में उनकी..हमारी भी..कुछ याद उठती होगी..
मुस्कुराते होंगे वो भी..फिर सोचकर उन लम्हों को
अहसास दिल में..विश्वास दिल में..क्यों होता है..अक्सर..



Sunday, January 17, 2010


Love is what makes one feel Live

Love is what urges one to Jive..

Love is the Base of all Relations

God fills Love in His all Creations..

Love is what Diminishes Disparity

Love is what sometimes comes out as Charity..

There should only be Love but no Hatred

This is because Love is so Lovely and Sacred..

Love and only Love should be the Slogan

It can bring the Whole World as One..

Living without Love is no smart

As if One is Breathing without palpitations of Heart..

With Love..

Thursday, January 14, 2010

हँसी हँसी में

यादों के वो मंज़र बनाते चले गए 

हर लफ्ज़ में ख़ुशी को सजाते चले गए..
कुछ बात है.. कुछ ख़ास है.. हर बात में उनकी
हर बात वो हँसी में उड़ाते चले गए..

मासूमियत भरा वो निश्छल सा वो चेहरा
दिल को ही जो छू ले हर अंदाज़ वो गहरा ..
तारीफ़ का हर पुल मेरा ढाते चले गए
हर बात वो..

लगता कभी हँसी वो अधूरी सी है शायद
मन में कहीं..दिल में कहीं..कुछ टीस है शायद..
हर गम को ख़ुशी से वो दबाते चले गए
हर बात वो..

हर ख़ुशी हो खुशनसीब तेरा सांथ पाने से
हर गम का टूटे दम तेरा ख्याल आने से..
दिल में दुआओं के बादल युहीं छाते चले गए
हर बात वो..

सादी बड़ी..सच्ची बड़ी..हर बात है उनकी
मिलती बड़ी मुश्किल से मुलाकात है उनकी..
मुलाकात हर वो ख़ास बनाते चले गए
हर बात वो..

खुश है कोई हमसे जो मिला दोस्त ये प्यारा
छूटे नहीं ये दोस्ती..ये दोस्त हमारा..
अंकित हर एक याद कराते चले गए..
हर बात वो..
